Founded in 1990, GID began as a specialist in imported prestigious door handles and security locks in Hong Kong. Nowadays, a network of partners and agents is established in the major cities of mainland China. Our extensive product selections, wide array of services, and our solid project experiences have made our brand synonymous with professional ironmongery.
We are proud to offer famous brands of door hardware to the market. While seeking to broaden and strengthen its design-meets-function philosophy, GID guarantees you a service-orientated approach.
意念國際香港有限公司始創於1990年, 是國際頂級裝飾五金進口代理商, 為各類建築裝飾工程的物料配置和供應提供專業方案, 致力提升室內裝潢的美學價值。意念國際香港有限公司深信設計在生活中的重要性, 並且相信市場需要更多的選擇, 因此我們緊貼設計潮流, 持續引入特色新產品, 產品品類從最初的門把手延伸到門五金、衛浴五金和家居裝飾配件, 同時保持貨品風格多樣化, 堅持不懈地滿足建築和室內設計業界的需求和期望, 落實每一個設計意念。
我司成立以來, 業務穩步發展, 在中港兩地設有展示廳和辦事處, 與眾多國際知名建築和室內設計機構開展廣泛合作, 不斷擴展服務層面, 引領裝飾五金時尚潮流, 深受客戶支持。
特色出色, 更多優質選擇。

GID has been working closely with Architects and Interior Designers since 1990. For the last decade our comprehensive products help them to achieve the best solution for numerous projects regardless of scale and budget.Below is a list of some of our recent and highlighted projects that we have accomplished and Brands of product that we supplied.
Check out some of our highlighted projects based on different categories:

意念五金有限公司 - 香港展廳
GID Limited
Room 701-3, 7/F. Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong
電話 Tel : +852 – 2572 9800 傳真 Fax : +852 – 2572 9808
電郵 Email : info@gid.com.hk 網址 Website : www.gid.com.hk

香港 Hong Kong Showroom / Project Office
深圳市意念裝飾材料有限公司 - 深圳辦事處
GID (Shenzhen) Decorative Materials Supplier Limited
16 A, Cai Hong Building, Cai Tian Road, Fu Tian District, Shenzhen, China.
中國深圳市福田区彩田路彩虹大厦 16A
電話 Tel : +86 – 0755 – 88847936
傳真 Fax : +86 – 0755 – 82916545
電郵 Email : kellylin@gidchina.com

深圳 Shenzhen Office
GID CONCEPT - Shanghai 意念五金廊 - 上海
1022, 1/F CIMEN Int'l Bldg Materials Center, No.407 Yishan Road, Xuhui, Shanghai.China
銷售熱線 Sales Hotline : +86 – 1812 – 111 – 2783
電話 Tel : +86 – 21 – 61159363
電郵 Email : samchung@gidchina.com

上海 Shanghai Showroom / Project Office
GID CONCEPT - Shenzhen 意念五金工作室/展厅 - 深圳
7E Cai Hong Building, No.3002 Caitian Road,
Futian District,, Shenzhen, China.
中國深圳市福田区彩田路彩虹大厦 7E
電話 Tel : +86 – 131 – 48816559
電郵 Email : kellylin@gidchina.com

深圳 Shenzhen Showroom